Our Team
Governor's Cafe is the latest venture for James & Broni Craig, founders of the Ruins Cafe brand in Port Macquarie which currently supports three food & beverage businesses.
Having worked in the cafe and catering sector for well over a decade, they have identified the best produce, best suppliers, best equipment and best staff available in the region. All this makes for a very consistent (we like to think consistently excellent!) experience when you visit one of our cafe's.
Our chef, Di is one of the most experienced cooks in the Hastings Valley and has worked in almost every conceivable style of kitchen across every part of Australia over the past 20 years. And our barista's are pretty special too. Between them, they've made over 100,000 cups of coffee so there's that consistency thing again!
Why the Governor's?
The site of Port Macquarie was first visited by Europeans in 1818 when the explorer, John Oxley reached the Pacific Ocean from the west after initially exploring the district around Tamworth.
The river he followed was named in honour of the Governor of India at the time, Lord Francis Edward Rawdon Hastings and the location at the river's mouth was named after Lachlan Macquarie, the then Governor of the state of New South Wales who had commissioned the expedition.
We love living and working in Port Macquarie and wanted to call this business something that reflected the history of the township and was also relevant to the name of the shopping centre in which our cafe is based, Settlement City.